Tuesday 16 April 2013

Coaching - what's it all about? Part 5

Chad Hall writes that “all coaching is life coaching; coaching brings forth life for a client, a company, a church, a team, a community, a family, or anyone touched by the coaching  relationship."  That is true, and as I've indicated so far in this series, the primary tools that all  coaches use are good listening skills and good questions.  I've also indicated that each coach has  specific tools in their tool box, depending on their background, experience and training.

So, as in counselling, we find specialisms within the field of coaching.  Life, or personal coaches  work with individuals, dealing with the broad scope of “life”: priorities, relationships, purpose etc.  Corporate coaches deal with individuals or teams within a corporate setting: values, teamwork, and customer service are some of the areas corporate coaches may deal with.  Executive coaches  work with senior leaders, who are often assumed to “know it all,” and are least likely to receive training and mentoring, but, like everyone else need someone who will journey with them and provide a sounding board.

An area of interest to many people today is wellness coaching. A coach whose specialism is wellness may have a background in sport, nutrition etc, or perhaps they have themselves overcome health problems, giving them  valuable insights and experiences to share.  I am in the midst of such a transformation, having lost 2 stone, 9 pounds (37 pounds), and reduced my blood  pressure by 49/23 in 14 weeks.  In two weeks time I will run the Plymouth Half Marathon after a break from running of 27 years.  This has been achieved through diet, exercise and stress management.  My experience is equipping me to help others achieve their weight management,  fitness and health goals, and this is a specialism I am building into my coaching practice.


  1. That's helpful information. Thanks. And congratulations on the healthy milestones you have achieved. I started running again after many years and now have two half marathons under my belt. It is quite an accomplishment and I hope your upcoming half will be a rewarding experience. Run Frank run!

  2. Thanks Kinsey,
    I thoroughly enjoyed the half marathon. I ran with my daughter... our celebration of her 21st birthday. Looking forward to the next one, and the first marathon in many years. Physical training is a key part of our training for life, and sadly, much neglected!

  3. Frank, congratulations on the changes that you've made in your health and good for you for helping others do the same. Great work.
