Tuesday 9 April 2013

Coaching – what’s it all about?

What is coaching, what does a coach do, and who would need a coach?

A coach helps a person being coached to be the best that they can be by holding the mirror up to them to show them who they can be. They help the client to work out how to best achieve their goals using the client's own expertise. They help them to 'see the wood for the trees', 'get unstuck', and 'move ahead towards their potential'.

The coach's primary tools are a good ear, and good questions. The coach listens carefully to their client and asks them insightful questions that help the client work their way towards a solution. Of course there are a vast array of supplementary tools in the coach's toolbox, depending on their own experience and training. These include tools for assessing life balance, values and purpose; goal setting techniques etc.

Coaches help people in all walks of life. Anyone who recognises the need for assistance in getting from where they are, to where they want to be can do with the help of a coach. A coach I know coaches CEO's of large corporations, church bishops and poor students.

In tomorrow's post I will explore the question of what a coach does in more detail, touching on similarities and differences between coaching and related disciplines like counselling and mentoring.

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